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Passing the Time Through Rhythm & Rhyme on the Windrush

Updated: Jun 18, 2023

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June 22nd this year Britain will celebrate the 75th anniversary of Windrush (‘Windrush Day’), when 500 migrants arrived at Tilbury Docks in London, from Jamaica via Bermuda, Trinidad, Cuba, Mexico (Polish Jews fleeing Nazi Germany living there) in 1948. Amongst them were 86 children. Have you ever wondered how they passed the time during the journey? Why not Zoom In Sunday, 18th June‬ from 4 pm onwards for a Windrush-themed WAPPY online session?

Visitors are invited to share real and imagined stories, rhymes and their memories of ring games. ‪4.00 pm - 5 pm‬ is for ages 4-11s; we will create cardboard/paper cut outs of Windrush boats. From 5 pm - 6 pm ages 12-18/WAPPY Pioneers & Elders are welcome to join in for a Windrush/Black History & West London quiz, storytelling Floella Benjamin’s ‘Coming to England’ and a chance for any Windrush generation members to share our ‘back home’/childhood ring and rhyming games.

The aim is to generate poetry, short stories and artwork as well as listen to the narrative of any elders attending who form part of the current Windrush generation.

So using visual artwork, poetry, stories, film and voice-overs we will explore the ring and clapping games the child/ren travellers on the Windrush played to pass their time en route from the Caribbean to London.

For Zoom link details please register via

Looking forward to seeing you so

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