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Content Call: WAPPY Members during the Pandemic

Updated: Sep 19, 2020

Education has been one of the hardest hit sectors during the coronavirus pandemic, and students have been forced to adapt in a big way. Now that schools have reopened and a new academic year has begun, we want to hear from the wonderful young people of WAPPY about their experiences being back in school.

Our aim is to generate a creative archive to document the incredible resilience of our members, who are school students, during these unprecedented times. We are excited to announce that we are now accepting creative submissions from students of all ages until October 15th 2020. All entries will be displayed on our website, with the permission of the WAPPY member (and their parent/guardian if applicable). If you would like to participate but would not like your entry displayed on our website, please indicate this in your email submission.


We welcome short stories, poems, drawings, artwork and short video performances that respond to one of the following prompts:

  • How have things changed at school because of the pandemic?

  • Were you able to study at home during the Lockdown? If yes, what was it like to study from home?

  • What do you miss most about your education from before the pandemic?

  • Do you like any of the changes that have arisen at school because of the pandemic?


Submissions should be emailed to, with 'Content Call Submission' as the subject line.

You can send the creative submission as an attachment. If under 16, please have a parent or guardian email on your behalf. If over 16, please cc. in your parent/guardian.

Kindly provide the following information within the main body of the email:

  1. Full name of WAPPY member

  2. Title of submission

  3. Type of submission (e.g. poem, short story, drawing, video, etc)

  4. If under 18, please provide the full contact details of a parent/guardian (Guardian's name, address, email and phone number)

  5. I confirm that I am happy for this submission to be displayed on


We're excited to see all of your amazing entries!

Listen to Lindsay Warner, architect of this Creative Archive, being interviewed by WAPPY Director, Grace Quansah

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