WAPPY - Writing, Acting Publishing Project for Youngsters is absolutely delighted and grateful that the BMe staff network at the Nursing and Midwifery Council has chosen WAPPY as its charity to raise funds (£1000) for, thanks to the recommendation of one of our WAPPY mums who is herself a midwife. Those of you participating in WAPPY since the pandemic will know we have been offering weekly online workshops during the national Lockdowns & are now offering some face to face workshops free of charge now, starting with a series of Black History season 365.
We are extremely grateful to be given this unexpected gift which will help the organisation develop more exciting projects for young people. If you would like to donate to WAPPY you can do so via the just giving link: https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/bmestaffnetwork?utm_id=1&utm_term=VXEzjgY5a.
Thank you.